Week 4 of Capstone Project

I have come to realize that I should present my weekly progress by doing a step-by-step feature to help demonstrate what I have been going through a little easier. This week I have been trying to develop some sort of dark type music to support the overall design of the game. I wanted to do a video of my progress, but I think i’m going to wait to do that until I get everything finalized. So in the mean time, I will present my documentations with what I have been doing since the day I started this project.

Before I dive right into explaining how I developed the sound into the game, let me first update you on my character developments. The two characters, Fred and the Blob, have already been introduced to the audience. I have decided not to update those two characters, but instead insert a couple more sprites into this game development:

Boulders_0 - Windows Live Photo Gallery_2013-01-31_21-39-02                                 Miners_0 - Windows Live Photo Gallery_2013-01-31_21-39-59

These are another ingenious characters I have thought up of. They are formerly introduced as the Boulder and the Miner respectively. The Boulder will be an object that will be set as an obstacle for our fellow hero. I will now get into how I put the sound into the Game Maker Studio program.

Step 1

I really couldn’t find any music making site that fit my liking. So, what I did was go to this website:  http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/393445

Step 2

Inputted the sound, which is in MP3 format, into the Sound file:

Capstone Project.project.gmx  -  Free Edition (v1.1


Those were the only steps I took to input the sound I wanted into the program. That’s all I have to update you on. For next week, I will work on the fonts and time lines of the game.

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