Facebook Effect and Privacy

Part One: Facebook has been building up on privacy based concerns on what they think is safer. They imply that we should all use our real identity and not what we want to become based on false information. There are a lot of people who use fake identities to become one of the cool people or get something they desire.

Part two: “radical transparency” means the openness of one’s organizational process or data. The pro of that term for Facebook’s purpose is to meet a lot of new people spread out over the world and sharing the same interests. The con of that term is related to privacy concerns that i’ve stated earlier. It puts out people’s identities that make people ponder whether or not they should be friends or not. For example, if a guy who is 57 years old and wants to hook up with cute girls, all he has to do is go on Google and choose a nice looking pic and throw in some lies in the about me section to fulfill his desires.

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