Week 11 of Capstone Project

This week I worked on more movements for my other enemies: the blob and the boulder, plugging the sound into the game along with creating the events for starting and stopping it at specific areas, a restart game option once the game is over, and newly created rooms. I did the exact same procedure as last week for the movements of the other two enemies only in different directions. Again, I had to place blocks in the correct placement for these enemies to bounce off of and to prevent them from scrolling off the game. Here are the steps I have taken in picture format that describes the development of there functionality:

1.) The Blob’s directional movement that is fixed.

blob movements

2.) Their collision event with the main character.

destroy instance for blob

3.) Collision event with a bullet.

destroy instance from bullet

4.) Collision event with a wall.

blob collision with wall

The only difference with the blob events and the boulder events is that the boulder will not be destroyed when the bullet comes into contact with it. Here is how I performed the events in the boulder properties in picture form as well.

1.) Boulder movement.

boulder movement

2.) Collision with Fred.

boulder destroying Fred

3.) Collision with wall.

boulder bouncing off wall

The next thing I did for this week was inputting the sound into my game. This part was actually quite easy, but had some trouble at first on where to start and stop the sound. I finally figured that part out and am happy about it. Here are a few pictures I took along with their respective short detail on how I did just that.

1.) Sound playing after the player hits any key to start the game.

playing creepy sound in game start

2.) The sound will continue to loop through the game until the player reaches the end. Here is how I made the sound to stop playing once the player beat the game.

room end with no sound

Now that I have all of the enemy movements created, I then created 3 rooms that I think will be challenging. The player can shoot down the enemies with unlimited bullets and try to reach the end of each level by hitting the red exit symbol. Here are the pictures of these challenging rooms that I had a lot of fun creating:

Here is the outcome of Level 1 (Changes may vary):

level 1

Here is the outcome of Level 2 (Changes may vary):

level 2

And finally, the outcome of Level 3 (Changes may vary):

level 3


Here is how the player will be congratulated after the completion of the third and final level:

end of game


The player has the option to play the game again by pressing the “R” button or can simply exit by closing out the game by hitting the red x button on the top right corner of the game.

Those are all the things I have been working on during the past week. Next week, I might make some slight changes in the outcome of each level or just one or two of the levels. It all depends on how fully satisfied I am on them.

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