
I would like to tell you a little bit of information about myself and what i’m interested in. I am 23 years old and I live in a little town called Shinglehouse, PA. Shinglehouse is approximately a 45 minutes to an hour drive North of Bradford.  I like to hang out with friends, eat out, go to movies, play sports, and play some video games from time to time. Video games that i’m mostly interested in are survival horror and adventure type games.  This is my 3rd year attending the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford going for my Bachelor’s in CIS&T (Computer Information Systems and Technology). My two favorite sports to participate in are: Golf and Basketball.  I used to play Basketball back in High School in my hometown and would like to play a few pick-up games if i get invited to. I am hoping to be back on the golf team at UPB next Fall for my last year at the university. Just an update, i’d like to input that I have just got accepted to work as a Web Developer for Cutco in Olean, NY. This is a very good opportunity to put my skills to the test for this intern position.

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