Job Hunting Plan via Social Media

These are the main Social Media sites I use:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • WordPress
  • LinkedIn

For job hunting purposes, I would use all four of these because I am used to their navigation and a few of these are most widely used to grab attention.

Three Steps for Job Prospects in Social Media:

  1. Adding information about school in your profile.
  •   What was your gpa.
  •   Your favorite class.
  •    Degree you achieved. 

2.  Displaying certain skills you have in your profile.

  •   Highest skill to lowest skill.
  •   What skill you want to expand upon.

3.  Linking your account to local or widespread businesses.

  •   Might be interested in your blog posts.
  •   Be respectable with your posts when following businesses. 

Social Games/ Virtual Goods – Before

Meaning of Virtual Goods:

Virtual goods mean the purchase of an item or specific goods in an online game.

Have I or Would I Use Virtual Goods?

To answer both of those questions, I have not used virtual goods before nor will I ever use virtual goods for an online game. I have seen pop-ups of these suggestions before while playing some Facebook games and they are not something I would be eager to accept anytime soon.

Why Will I Not Use Virtual Goods?

The use of purchasing goods with real money to be used in social games is completely wrong. I truly think that it is a waste of money to throw into all of those social games. It is just another gimmick for Facebook or any other social networks that do this sort of thing to gain more money.


For the game, Draw Something, it gives you the option to purchase more colors and bombs to destroy letters.

For the game, Mafia Wars, you can acquire more territories by purchasing specific requirements.

games2 (found this image at

Facebook Effect and Human Interaction

Ever since the famous Social Media site, Facebook, distributed over the internet, a lot of people including teenagers lost a sense of reality.  As Erica Swallow states in this article here, , I truly believe that the Social Network of any kind can either harm or help a person depending on his/her decision.

(This image I got off of a site called  ).

Here are 3 ways Facebook has affected our interaction:

  • Less Face-to-Face Interaction
  • A Sense of False “Friends”
  • Loss of Interests

Examples of My Own Experience:

The first example deals with my friends. Some of my friends are on Facebook and do not really pay much attention during face-to-face conversations. Meaning, they have their faces planted in whatever device they’re using to apply certain Facebook matters.

Another example  is my one cousin, who has countless “friends” following her. Now i’m not saying that that is a bad thing, but it is kind of ridiculous knowing full well how many friends you have in real life. She mainly only talks to a certain few of her friends from college or her home town, so my question and concern is why all the commodity.

Facebook Effect and Privacy

Part One: Facebook has been building up on privacy based concerns on what they think is safer. They imply that we should all use our real identity and not what we want to become based on false information. There are a lot of people who use fake identities to become one of the cool people or get something they desire.

Part two: “radical transparency” means the openness of one’s organizational process or data. The pro of that term for Facebook’s purpose is to meet a lot of new people spread out over the world and sharing the same interests. The con of that term is related to privacy concerns that i’ve stated earlier. It puts out people’s identities that make people ponder whether or not they should be friends or not. For example, if a guy who is 57 years old and wants to hook up with cute girls, all he has to do is go on Google and choose a nice looking pic and throw in some lies in the about me section to fulfill his desires.

Social Media in Action

The three ways in which I believe businesses around the world are using social media effectively are:

1. Interacting with followers by re-tweeting or commenting on their posts about the organization. For example, a follower may post something nice about your business that you want to communicate with them further. That promotes good business etiquette.

2. Posting pictures of their employees of having a great time in the business. This provides a huge impact on people that might consider on working for the organization. For example, an employee posts pictures with other employees having a great time and therefore provides possible feedback from the employee’s friends about working there.

3. Providing some links to certain projects that the company’s doing to interest the followers. For example, a company may be working on a certain project to promote their business. Giving a link to that certain project with pictures and other data may have people give out brief discussions as to how they think the business should go about that project.

The company that I am working for right now, Cutco, does not have a social media reference via Facebook or Twitter located on their home page. To go off track here, Cutco is such a great place to work with delightful employees and custodians. They should definitely have their business qualities and satisfactions on the Social Medias to attract cutomers as well as employees.  I will probably bring that up to my manager to see what he thinks about that and how we can incorporate the Social Media into the company. Social Media is the type of thing, I think, that will never go away or become extinct as long as people are using it constantly wherever they go.

Social Media Blackout Blog

We were assigned, for this blog post, to stay off any social media website for two days tops. What I have experienced from those two days without being connected to the world is that I really was not all that affected by it. Even before this assignment, I rarely have been keeping up with my postings on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. I just go on those types of social media sites just to be updated on what everybody is up to or doing.