Week 6 of Capstone Project

Last week was not a very eventful week due to some difficulties with understanding how the aspects of moving your character around and putting certain functions in works. This week I was working on changing my main character color because I realized that the color black of my character would not typically work well with a black background. So, I naturally went into the Sprite option to change my main character. Here is my main character as of now:


This is still my main character, but I had to make him all white due to the background color of my game in order for the people to see him. Next, i’m going to introduce the path of my separate objects:

1  My object 1 path, which is the boulder, should move something like this:

screen cap 2

2. My object 2 path, which is the miner, should move something like this:

screen cap 3

3. The blobs should move in an orderly fashion like this:

screen cap 4

Facebook Effect and Human Interaction

Ever since the famous Social Media site, Facebook, distributed over the internet, a lot of people including teenagers lost a sense of reality.  As Erica Swallow states in this article here, Mashable.com , I truly believe that the Social Network of any kind can either harm or help a person depending on his/her decision.

(This image I got off of a site called creativecommons.org  ).

Here are 3 ways Facebook has affected our interaction:

  • Less Face-to-Face Interaction
  • A Sense of False “Friends”
  • Loss of Interests

Examples of My Own Experience:

The first example deals with my friends. Some of my friends are on Facebook and do not really pay much attention during face-to-face conversations. Meaning, they have their faces planted in whatever device they’re using to apply certain Facebook matters.

Another example  is my one cousin, who has countless “friends” following her. Now i’m not saying that that is a bad thing, but it is kind of ridiculous knowing full well how many friends you have in real life. She mainly only talks to a certain few of her friends from college or her home town, so my question and concern is why all the commodity.

Facebook Effect and Privacy

Part One: Facebook has been building up on privacy based concerns on what they think is safer. They imply that we should all use our real identity and not what we want to become based on false information. There are a lot of people who use fake identities to become one of the cool people or get something they desire.

Part two: “radical transparency” means the openness of one’s organizational process or data. The pro of that term for Facebook’s purpose is to meet a lot of new people spread out over the world and sharing the same interests. The con of that term is related to privacy concerns that i’ve stated earlier. It puts out people’s identities that make people ponder whether or not they should be friends or not. For example, if a guy who is 57 years old and wants to hook up with cute girls, all he has to do is go on Google and choose a nice looking pic and throw in some lies in the about me section to fulfill his desires.

Week 5 of Capstone Project

Well, unfortunately, my expected outcome made a slight set back. That is until I get certain things figured out. Basically the certain problem I was confronting was the fact that I did not know full well how to use the time line function in the program. So, i’m going to try and work on that for next week’s blog, but for now i’m going to discuss with you about some of my objects and how I will get them to function.

The main character, Fred, will have his movements with just the keyboard. To move him left or right will simply be functioned by the left and right keys on the keyboard. The jumping movements will be executed with the button Z. I have chosen that button because I have witnessed this one game that followed this button function and I believed it to be the most convenient. Related to the object movements, the blob will be moved automatically and so will the rest of the enemies that I have drawn and presented that will be featured in this game.

For now, i’ve only worked on the main character’s movements and other functions. Here are some screenshots as to how I did that:







That is all the steps I took to create my main character’s movements. I will work on the enemies movements, which might be a difficult task due to the fact that they will be automatically controlled. So, i’m hoping to get the rest of the character’s movements finished and work on the fonts for the game by the end of this week.

Week 4 of Capstone Project

I have come to realize that I should present my weekly progress by doing a step-by-step feature to help demonstrate what I have been going through a little easier. This week I have been trying to develop some sort of dark type music to support the overall design of the game. I wanted to do a video of my progress, but I think i’m going to wait to do that until I get everything finalized. So in the mean time, I will present my documentations with what I have been doing since the day I started this project.

Before I dive right into explaining how I developed the sound into the game, let me first update you on my character developments. The two characters, Fred and the Blob, have already been introduced to the audience. I have decided not to update those two characters, but instead insert a couple more sprites into this game development:

Boulders_0 - Windows Live Photo Gallery_2013-01-31_21-39-02                                 Miners_0 - Windows Live Photo Gallery_2013-01-31_21-39-59

These are another ingenious characters I have thought up of. They are formerly introduced as the Boulder and the Miner respectively. The Boulder will be an object that will be set as an obstacle for our fellow hero. I will now get into how I put the sound into the Game Maker Studio program.

Step 1

I really couldn’t find any music making site that fit my liking. So, what I did was go to this website:  http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/393445

Step 2

Inputted the sound, which is in MP3 format, into the Sound file:

Capstone Project.project.gmx  -  Free Edition (v1.1


Those were the only steps I took to input the sound I wanted into the program. That’s all I have to update you on. For next week, I will work on the fonts and time lines of the game.